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Take 30% off your ENTIRE ORDER at checkout AUTOMATICALLY with this sale!
Applies to ALL ITEMS in the store.
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Welcome to Great Lakes Kids Apparel LLC! We specialize in Wearable, Playable and Affordable Children's Clothing.
As a stay at home mom, I know how important it is to find cute, affordable and comfortable clothing for kids. My daughter loves dresses, but not just any dresses, comfortable and movable dresses. I set out to find a manufacturer that provided what I loved and Great Lakes Kids Apparel was born!
Our Philosophy is Simple. Clothes Should be Wearable (Your Kids LOVE to wear them), Playable (Your kids can play in them and they clean up great), and Affordable (You dont have to take out a loan to buy kids clothes!). Great Lakes Kids: Owned by a Mom, INSPIRED by her Daughter.